Xinbei Liang

Hello! ︎ I’m a Graphic Communication Designer recently graduated from University of the Arts London, Central Saint Martins. I have a profound interest and skilled in Visual Design and currently looking for a creative role in London.
︎+44 7360326360
︎ @xinbeigraphics

Remi Pastry︎

[Branding] [Packaging]

Remi Pastry is a handcrafted cake shop that was founded in London in 2023. They carefully select high-quality and fresh ingredients and utilise unique baking techniques that blend Western and Japanese influences to create ex- quisite pastries that tantalise the taste buds. The brand's philosophy revolves around the idea of providing customers with a pleasurable and relaxing experi- ence for both the body and soul through their delectable creations.

Remi Pastry's brand image is characterised by a relaxed, lively, pleas- ant, and fun atmosphere. This is reflected in their logo design, which features elements of their signature pound cake and a bathtub that symbolises relaxation, creating a unique graphical image of "Bathing Bread." This distinctive brand personality resonates with their target audience and sets them apart in the competitive pastry market. ︎