Xinbei Liang

Hello! ︎ I’m a Graphic Communication Designer recently graduated from University of the Arts London, Central Saint Martins. I have a profound interest and skilled in Visual Design and currently looking for a creative role in London.
︎+44 7360326360
︎ @xinbeigraphics

Copy 01: The World of Immortality ︎

[Illustration] [Publication]

“Copy 01: The World of Immortality" is the final project that I completed for my BA degree, which I showcased in 2022. Through Speculative Design, I explored how illustration and publication can provoke younger generations (commonly known as "digital natives") to reflect on ethical questions about our existence resulting from the development of self-digitising technology.

As a means of visual communication and narrative, I used a graphic novel format to depict a scenario that explores the extreme future resulting from digital immortality technology. Simultaneously, I focused on people's innermost thoughts and unspoken feelings in the evolving digital age. ︎